How leather reduces waste

What would happen if we stopped making leather? An industry research by LHCA based on 25 years of government data in the US has concluded that cutting the use of leather would not stop cattle production. However, it would create more waste.

What would happen if we stopped making leather? An industry research by LHCA based on 25 years of government data in the US has concluded that cutting the use of leather would not stop cattle production. However, it would create more waste, as it would lead to the burning or landfill disposal of more than 33 million unused U.S. hides. That, in turn, would generate more than 750,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year, and fill all U.S. landfill sites within 4 years.

The leather industry is turning these hides, a by-product of the food and dairy industry, into a durable and versatile material.

The demand for meat is growing

The world population is projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050. In tandem with this population growth, the demand for milk, meat and eggs is projected to increase by more than 20 percent between 2020 and 2050 (source: FAO report 2023).

In the foreseeable future, hides will always be there. In abundance. What do we do? By using the hides, we are creating a durable, natural material that lasts for decades that can be used for footwear, furniture, garments, bags and car interiors. And, we help to reduce waste.